Healthcare Provider Resources

WIC-related Information and Resources for Healthcare Providers  


How Can WIC Help? 

Pregnant Women

  • Nutritious foods up to 6 weeks postpartum.
  • Enteral products available to women with a medical condition.  Complete the Womens WIC Medical Foods Form(see below).

Breastfeeding Moms

  • Breast pumps (for WIC participants)
    • If patient has BadgerCare, please fill out the ForwardHealth breast pump order form and fax to the Medical supplier recommended per the HMO.
  • Breastfeeding Peer Counselors to call for support and information, available day & night.
  • Nutritious foods up to 1 year postpartum for moms.

Postpartum Women:

  • Nutritious foods for 6 months postpartum
  • includes women who had a neonatal loss or miscarriage.


  • Infant formula up till age one, more formula is given during months 4 and 5 to help delay introduction of solids until 6 months of age, when WIC begins giving baby foods.


  • Nutritious foods until 5th birthday.
  • Formula or enteral products with a medical condition and  a completed WIC Medical Foods Form(see below).


 Standard WIC Formula for infants:    


Formula covered by WIC with completed Medial Foods Form: 

      *must have a medical condition


ForwardHealth Enteral Product information:

Supplemental Forms: