Influenza Press Release


November 7, 2017

Contact:  Barb Walsh RN, BSN


Influenza activity is currently low in Sauk County.  However, the State is reporting a higher number of influenza hospitalizations this year than for the same time frame last year.  Wisconsin is anticipating an early influenza season.

The Sauk County Health Department urges everyone to get their influenza vaccination as soon as possible, rather than waiting until later in the season due to this early influenza season.

The Sauk County Health Department also recommends these preventive measures:

  • Practice good cough hygiene by using a tissue, upper sleeve, or elbow, not your hands.

  • Wash your hands regularly.Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

  • Stay home if you develop symptoms of influenza – fever, cough, body aches, and weakness, until 24 hours after the fever.

  • Contact your medical provider to determine if antiviral medication is recommended if you become ill.

Contact your medical provider today to be vaccinated if you have not gotten your vaccination.  If you do not have health insurance, and need the vaccine, contact the Sauk County Health Department for assistance at 608-355-3290


For more information, contact:

Cindy Bodendein, Health Officer

Sauk County Health Department

(608) 355-3290

